Farenheit Conversion to and from Celcius

Do you need to convert farenheit to celcius or convert celcius to farenheit?

For a quick Farenheit Conversion you can use these simple conversions to approximate. Freezing is 32 degrees farenheit and 0 degrees celcius. Boiling is 212 degrees farenheit and 100 degrees celcius. And right in between is the human body with a temperature of 98.6 degrees farenheit and 37 degrees celcius. You can use these for a quick farenheit conversion approximation.

The actual Farenheit Conversion formulas are as follows...

C = (5/9)*(F-32) where C=temperature in degrees Celsius and F=temperature in degrees Fahrenheit

F = (9/5)*C+32; where C=temperature in degrees Celsius and F=temperature in degrees Fahrenheit

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